Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Cancer Cannot Do!

Last week during my visit to the hair salon I received a phone call from a former student who wanted to visit me. I told her I was getting my hair done and wouldn't be home for a while. She insisted on coming to see me at the salon so I agreed. When she showed up she came bearing gifts. One gift was a "Get Well" butterfly. It was crystal butterfly trimmed in gold inside a purple satin box with the following poem inside the lid:

Find strength and hope within in this box,
To speed you on your way;
The butterfly will be right here
Inspiring you each day.

It was a very nice and thoughtful gift. But the second gift is what literally brought me to tears. It is a silver necklace with a charm on it that has a poem titled "What Cancer Cannot Do..." What makes this necklace so special is the sentiment behind it. The instructions she gave me was that I was supposed to wear the necklace through my cancer journey. I should wear it to each doctors appointment, each chemotherapy treatment, and all through radiation. Once I finished my journey my charge was then  to pass it on to someone else who was beginning the process I just finished. It was kind of like "Paying it Forward". It moved me beyond words and it is one of the best gifts I have received thus far. I am even more moved just to think that I have touched someone enough that they would think of me in this way. I am a living testimony that it pays to always be kind (even in my rough kind of way) because I have been shown kindness beyond measure and for that I am truly grateful!!

What Cancer Cannot Do...
It cannot...
invade the soul
suppress memories
kill friendship
destroy peace
conquer the spirit
shatter hope
cripple love
corrode faith
steal eternal life
silence courage

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