Sunday, March 6, 2011

Prayers of the Righteous

Along my journey I have been truly amazed at the outpouring of love I have received from people. What amazes me even more is that sometimes it comes from the people you least expect, from relative strangers to high school alum to other breast cancer survivors to friends of friends. I have received well wishes, words of encouragement, cards, and prayers from those close to me and many from those who are not close to me at all...except for our christian walk. These words of encouragement make me smile, make my cry, but always help keep me going. I have received countless of these notes. I am still responding to them daily. Here is just a sample of those words. This blog is dedicated YOU for those touching e-mail prayers and words of encouragement I receive daily. I hope you enjoy!

  • Ms. Martin
    You have been on my mind, I've been wondering how you have been doing since your surgery. Then I read your latest blog, I am truly in continued prayer with you & for you.. I am encouraged by your strength, courage, & your ability to still be funny.. You are a fighter & there's no doubt in my mind that the Lord, our God is preparing you for something even greater than you or I could ever imagine.. Keep your head lifted to the hills for which cometh your help, because all of your help comes from the Lord.. I know we are not close & you have a lot of people you can turn to, but if you need anything please don't hesitate to reach out to me..
    Take care, God bless & continue to be encourage as well as encourage those around you!!

  • I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers! We serve an AWESOME God and He is a healing God! There is nothing He can't do. We are claiming GREAT health in the name of Jesus! He will make a way out of no way...He has brought me through so much and I know that He will do the same for you! If there is anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to call me! I love you & remember He is ABLE!

  • At church today I could not get you off my mind and they were having special prayer for healing, and I thought; "I should go stand in for Fionna" but hesitated and then my pastor said: "some of you are needing to come and stand in for someone.." So I went immediately Another sister and I prayed for you to be blessed today and for you to receive your healing and I believe it with all my heart and soul. I prayed that you could feel the presence of the Lord all over you right then, I hope that you did I also know that when all of this is said and done God will continue to bless you as you share your testimony Love ya : )

  • I guess life has its way of cluttering your plate and sometimes it is just too much to digest. I had no idea you were going through like this. I pray that God lifts you and I know he has already. I can do something, if you need dinner or food for the kids one nite. Inbox me your address . You are in my prayers Love ya.

  • Believe me Fionna I know what all you are going through and what you are feeling. Just take a deep breath and keep it moving. You will be fine because you have to put your trust in God and know that he has your back. The crazy part of hearing those words ( You have breast cancer) is that the world does not stop. You have to fight it at full force and know that this is not a death sentence. You will get through this and if there is ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING that I can do for you or if you have questions about anything pls let me know because I am here for you. It was really rough for me when I found out but I made it rough for me because I chose to fight it alone. Making that decision was very selfish and I will never do it again so pls go to support groups because you are not in this alone. I will keep you in prayer and if you need to talk pls give me a call at. Stay strong Fionna because you are a fighter and you will get through this!!! love you girl

  • Hey lady! Just wanted to let you know that you were heavy on my heart today. I heard of your diagnosis and just want you to know that you have another pray warrior praying you through this! I know you are a believer and know the power of God. I am a witness that he is a healer, just went through sickness with my mom. I know you are surrounded by nothing but love. Again, just had to let you know I will be praying for you!

  • I just seen all the post to you and your situation, I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and believing that God will heal you! You can beat this you are one the strongest and most positive people I know, this is only a test but what a testimony you will have when God heals you!

    You are such a wonderful person I know you may not see the full scope of things right now but this is just another way for you to touch people with your smile and warmth...I know you really don't like but they love you! Holding you up in prayer.

  • Fionna,
    I am so saddened to hear about your diagnosis but please know that you are not alone. I was diagnosed back in September and had surgery the Tuesday before our reunion. I am now half way through chemo and in early April will start radiation.

    This is a speed bump and you can kick it ass, I know you can. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers and please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I am really great at listening thaws days so if you ever need to just vent, I'm here for you. Call anytime on my cell.

    Stay strong my fellow warrior! 

  • I just want you to know I'm praying for you and your family. Hope you feeling better, you a soldier in the army and God always takes care of his own and he finds favor in those who do his work... may the lord bless and continue to keep you.
  • Today I read your blog an caught up on the couple I got behind on. I was so touched when I read the one about holding your baby in your arms. I wish I could do something more than some damn cupcakes.
    I will make you cupcakes. I will make you dinner. I will make you whatever you think you want. I will take you to a movie, to dinner, to the beauty salon, to drink wine, or any where else you can think of. Don't forget I'm a nurse so I can help you do stuff that no one else can help you do. I worked on the oncology floor at Kosair and I still remember some of my training :)
    If I was not available to help I would not offer, you just have to tell me when and where you need me and what you need me to do.
    Sending love and prayers your way

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